Details for First Rural School West of Pecos River

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5243010477


Marker Number 10477
Atlas Number 5243010477
Marker Title First Rural School West of Pecos River
Index Entry First Rural School West of Pecos River
City Fort Davis
County Jeff Davis
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 618589
UTM Northing 3376144
Subject Codes educational topics
Marker Year 1967
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location take SH 118 SE approx. 11 miles to ROW, located in pull-out near Kokernot Creek
Private Property
Marker Condition
Marker Size 18" x 28"
Marker Text Built 1881 of adobe brick, by settlers P. H. Pruett, Cal Nations, James Dawson, Joe Dorsey. At the same time Pruett built home a half-mile north. A Texas Rangers' camp in area gave protection from Indians. Mrs. Pruett once made a midnight ride to alert Rangers to approach of Apaches. Pruett sold home, 1883, to Fort Davis Commandant B. H. Grierson, and founded "Lone Cottonwood" Ranch 4 miles east. School was closed after he moved. In 1912 Pruett sold "Cottonwood" to H. L. Kokernot; now several Kokernot ranches use it as headquarters. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1967