Details for Sierra Blanca Methodist Church

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5229004694


Marker Number 4694
Atlas Number 5229004694
Marker Title Sierra Blanca Methodist Church
Index Entry Sierra Blanca Methodist Church
City Sierra Blanca
County Hudspeth
UTM Zone 13
UTM Easting 466189
UTM Northing 3449565
Subject Codes Methodist (Methodist Episcopal and United Methodist) denomination; eccesiastical buildings; churches
Marker Year 1968
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location located 2 blocks N. of Business IH-10 on FM 1111 N., Sierra Blanca
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 14" x 9"
Marker Text Organized 1907. County's first Protestant church. Held service in a school until present structure was built 1909; adobe, with Gothic windows, bell tower. Early settlers of all faiths worshipped here. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1968.