Details for Grace Episcopal Church

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5167007477


Marker Number 7477
Atlas Number 5167007477
Marker Title Grace Episcopal Church
Index Entry Grace Episcopal Church
City Galveston
County Galveston
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 324559
UTM Northing 3241985
Subject Codes churches; Georgian Revial (Architectural style); Episcopal denomination
Marker Year 1967
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 36th and Avenue L
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 16" x 12"
Marker Text Founded 1874 as a mission of Trinity Church. In 1876 became an independent parish under the Rev. Jeremiah Ward, Rector. Dedicated in 1895 by Bishop G. H. Kinsolving, the building was made possible by a request from civic leader Henry Rosenberg. The beautiful hand-carved altar and reredos were gifts of Mrs. Mollie Rosenberg. The Gothic style church was designed in white limestone by Nicholas J. Clayton, architect. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1967