Details for Waxahachie Chautauqua Building
Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5139007077
Marker Number | 7077 |
Atlas Number | 5139007077 |
Marker Title | Waxahachie Chautauqua Building |
Index Entry | Waxahachie Chautauqua Building |
Address | 400 S. Grand Ave. |
City | Waxahachie |
County | Ellis |
UTM Zone | 14 |
UTM Easting | 700674 |
UTM Northing | 3586335 |
Subject Codes | buildings; parks; opera houses and theatre; fairs and festivals |
Marker Year | 1972 |
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark | Yes |
Marker Location | Getzendaner Park. Marker faces SW (W. Main St.) side of the building. |
Private Property | No |
Marker Condition | In Situ |
Marker Size | Medallion & Plate |
Marker Text | Some 25 years after Chautauqua cultural programs originated in New York State, annual Chautauqua assemblies in Waxahachie began in 1899. Large crowds from north and east Texas and Oklahoma camped here, studying literature and the arts, attending dramas, lectures, concerts, exhibitions. This 2500-seat hall, convertible into an open-air auditorium, was built by Waxahachie Chautauqua Park Association in 1902. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1972 |