Details for Varner-Hogg Home (The "Varner")

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5039009603


Marker Number 9603
Atlas Number 5039009603
Marker Title Varner-Hogg Home (The "Varner")
Index Entry Varner-Hogg Home (The "Varner")
Address 1702 N 13th St
City West Columbia
County Brazoria
UTM Zone 15
UTM Easting 243261
UTM Northing 3228853
Subject Codes governors; houses, residential buildings; women, women's history topics; plantations
Marker Year 1964
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location Varner-Hogg Plantation State Historical Park, north of West Columbia on Park Road
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size Medallion & Plate
Marker Text Last home of James Stephen Hogg, first native Texan to be elected governor. Located on an 1824 Spanish land grant made to Martin Varner. House built by sugar planter C. R. Patton. Restored 1920. Given to the State, 1958, by Miss Ima Hogg.