Details for Thomas Jefferson High School

Historical Marker — Atlas Number 5029005470


Marker Number 5470
Atlas Number 5029005470
Marker Title Thomas Jefferson High School
Index Entry Thomas Jefferson High School
Address 723 Donaldson Ave.
City San Antonio
County Bexar
UTM Zone 14
UTM Easting 544770
UTM Northing 3259458
Subject Codes educational buildings; Spanish Renaissance Revival (Architectural style); educational topics; design and construction
Marker Year 1983
Recorded Texas Historic Landmark Yes
Marker Location 723 Donaldson Ave., San Antonio (Marker inside)
Private Property No
Marker Condition In Situ
Marker Size 27" x 42"
Marker Text Fall of 1930 to help ease the crowded conditions in San Antonio's two existing High Schools. Despite public protest at the expense involved, the project was completed in January 1932. Designed by the San Antonio architectural firm of Adams and Adams, Thomas Jefferson High School is built around two large patios with a tower and sub-tower. It features an elaborate Baroque entry, a Red Spanish tile roof, wrought iron balconies, and the school's coat of arms cast in stone on the four sides of the tower dome. It was the first San Antonio High School to have tile floors and the first to have its own Gymnasium. Thomas Jefferson High School, whose name was chosen by the students, opened its doors on Feb. 1, 1932, and had an initial enrollment of 1400. Over the years, both the school building and the student body have received national and international recognition in newspapers, magazines, and films. The school has produced numerous outstanding Alumni in the fields of Government, the military, communications, education, athletics, the medical and legal professions, business, and fine arts.